Welcome to Windermere Golf & Country Club.
True to our Founder’s vision brought to life in 1919, our foundation is built on the cornerstone of family and friends, and we celebrate
an atmosphere that is welcoming, fun and relaxing while playing golf, tennis or dining on. At Windermere people of all ages come
together to experience the great Muskoka outdoors. The club is proudly Member-owned and managed by a member elected Board
of Directors and operated by a team of talented professional staff.
This is where the future will always hold history’s hand.
Please fill in and either deliver a printed copy to the club or send an electronic copy to membershipwgcc@gmail.com
First Name: ___________________________
Last Name: ___________________________
Date of Birth: (Year/Month/Day) _______________________
Membership Type:
Senior________ Intermediate________ Junior ________
List all family members (need to be at the same address):
1. ___________________________________
4. __________________________________
2. ___________________________________
5. __________________________________
3. ___________________________________
6. __________________________________
Please identify each (V) Voting 40+ (Int) Intermediate 25 - 39 (Jr) Junior under 25
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Endorser / Known Member: _________________________________________________________________________
First Name: ___________________________________ L
ast Name: _________________________________
How many years have they known you: ______________
How well do you know them:
Very well _______________ Casually ______________ Slightly____________
Relationship: Personal_________ Family __________ Business____________ Friend__________ Other __________
Do you have other current memberships ?
Golf _______
Tennis ________ Pickleball ________
Men’s or Ladies weekly golf _________
Social ie euchre, bridge _______ Kid’s programs __________
Office Use Only:
Receipt of application fee: yes/no $200
Date of application: